Welcome to the CES Specialists Database - the place to recommend your favorite CES providers who have helped you in your diagnosis and care. Do you have a Physiotherapist that has taught you a lot? What about a Neurologist that has been supportive? A pelvic floor therapist that has improved your quality of life? What medical professionals would you recommend to other CES Warriors?
After compiling your recommendations, we will create a database for CES Warriors to search and find recommended CES Specialists in their area. Watch for regular updates to this page when the database launches.
After compiling your recommendations, we will create a database for CES Warriors to search and find recommended CES Specialists in their area. Watch for regular updates to this page when the database launches.
Click the button above or Google Form link here to make your recommendations. You can submit as many recommendations forms as you would like (one per form).
The Cauda Equina Foundation has not spoken to, partnered with, or approved of the recommended medical professionals. The database is intended to be used as suggestions for when fellow members are looking for medical care in their area. Please do your due diligence when booking an appointment or meeting with a new care provider.
This form is intended to be completed by those who have CES or are a caregiver for someone with CES. Please only add medical professionals who you have seen and with whom you have had a good experience.
Please fill out the form or send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions.
The Cauda Equina Foundation has not spoken to, partnered with, or approved of the recommended medical professionals. The database is intended to be used as suggestions for when fellow members are looking for medical care in their area. Please do your due diligence when booking an appointment or meeting with a new care provider.
This form is intended to be completed by those who have CES or are a caregiver for someone with CES. Please only add medical professionals who you have seen and with whom you have had a good experience.
Please fill out the form or send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions.
Spinal Clinics in the United Kingdom
A partial list of spinal clinics in the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom.
The Cauda Equina Foundation has not spoken to, partnered with, or approved of the following spinal clinics. The database is intended to be used as suggestions for when fellow members are looking for medical care in their area. Please do your due diligence when booking an appointment or meeting with a new care provider.
The Cauda Equina Foundation has not spoken to, partnered with, or approved of the following spinal clinics. The database is intended to be used as suggestions for when fellow members are looking for medical care in their area. Please do your due diligence when booking an appointment or meeting with a new care provider.